This is our final week of our mini-series exploring what the larger Church ought to be like in the world. What clues do we get from our Biblical story about what God intended for people of faith as they organized into communities and movements worldwide? This week, we get really real: in a world filled with crippling poverty, gruesome wars, toxic division, and fear-fueled discrimination, what should the church be like? This feels like an urgent question, but one that can make us freeze in inaction. We do not have to have all the answers. In fact, Jesus Himself warned us that none of us can know everything about what is to come. Predictions about end times are futile and not what we are expected to do. What we ARE expected to do as Christians is to be ready—ready for God’s Kingdom to break into what we have gotten used to as worldly life and change everything as we know it! Being ready means paying attention and staying alert; responding to God’s presence in all the hard and hurting places. People get ready, Jesus is coming! Thanks be to God!