Please know that if you feel called to serve, our church has many ways for you to contribute. Christ Our Anchor has a number of standing committees, most headed by Elders or Deacons, which coordinate various ministries, activities, and virtually all aspects our church life. These committees rely on the efforts of many volunteers who contribute their talents and efforts. These include:
- Readers/Liturgists at the Worship Services (Worship Committee)
- Communion preparation and service (Worship Committee)
- Greeters and Ushers (Deacons)
- Hospitality/Coffee Hour (Deacons) Donations of coffee, cookies, muffins, crackers, doughnuts, etc. are always appreciated. Please leave in the kitchen with a note indicating it is for church service refreshments. Contact Walter Kolsch 410-757-9343
- Meals (Deacons) for special occasions (church picnic, Hanging of the Greens, Shrove Tuesday pancake supper, etc.), shut-ins, those recuperating from surgery, illness, loss of a loved one, or other needs
- FUN-day School teachers (Christian Education Committee)
- Volunteers are always needed to staff the nursery. Adults and teen helpers are needed. (Christian Education Committee)
- “Moses’ Mowers” and God’s Gardeners help to maintain the grounds (Property Committee)
- Adult Liaisons for our youth group
- Adult Mentors for our confirmation class students
- Many other activities at COA require the energy and talent of volunteers to support the activities. Watch the pre-service announcements and Hopes & Notes weekly email for opportunities to serve.