In 2023, our church leadership spent many session meetings in intentional conversation asking “What really matters to us?” “What makes COA special?” “Who do we want to be and how do we want to be together in these times?”
We also conducted listening sessions with over 75 people in the COA community with different affinity groups such as those who primarily attend online, our Church Deacons, our longtime members in Adult Sunday School, and members new to COA in the last five years.
From these conversations and much prayer, our church discerned five clear values that guide who we are and who we aim to be. COA is….
Gathering as eclectic, imperfect people
Building a unique culture together
Trusting one another to value the COA community
Listening to understand
Embracing everyone’s unique journey of faith
For more details on what each of these mean, you can watch the videos below from real members of our community and you can also read more details in the pastor’s report here at this link